Can one supplier cover it all?

IT managers have a lot to oversee, from digital transformation projects to system rollouts, updating hardware to managing suppliers.

To be able to do their job effectively and efficiently, they need a strong support network. On top of support from their own team, this includes buy-in and support from the wider business, the board, the CEO, and any outsourced partners.

Whether or not these partners do their jobs successfully is vital to the success of any IT delivery. Therefore, if the right structures aren't in place for your outsourced team, you're likely to encounter problems further down the line.

Man juggling several red balls

Does one size fit all?

It can be tempting to think the bigger the IT partner, the better the service. However, if they take a supplier approach and focus on scale, they may pay less attention to specialist areas and advances in specific fields, be that networking and infrastructure, AI, data centres, or programmes relating to a client’s industry.

 Overall, more determined focus on scale and volume means IT partners may not give the individual client the attention and commitment they require to scope and deliver a tailored project for their organisation.


Don’t put all your eggs in one basket

If the last recession taught businesses anything, it’s that anyone can fall. Banking corporations, hedge funds, airlines and retailers filed for bankruptcy, proving that no organisation is immune from financial problems.

Working with large IT suppliers has its benefits, but working with a single supplier without alternatives can be a significant risk to your own business delivery. Budgets allocated to, or spent with, a single supplier can leave an IT manager exposed if the unthinkable happens. Building a broader collective of partners can prove invaluable and protect you during financially uncertain times.



Working with well-known corporate suppliers can feel the safest option, but often clients can feel like a little fish in a big pond. You'll know that you're valued as a client if your technology partner invests their time and energy into understanding your business, industry, pain-points, and technology roadmap.

Large-scale suppliers are less likely to be able to mobilise quickly to help with a challenging, unexpected request. Having an agile, flexible IT partner that can scale up or down quickly is invaluable, particularly in the current, uncertain financial climate.

By having a dependable and experienced IT partner, it is possible to adjust operations seamlessly and with minimal impact on productivity and resources. This can help ensure that your company remains competitive and can take advantage of new opportunities as they arise, whilst also allowing for cost control in times of hardship.

Working with a more tailored and bespoke IT partner will mean that your pain points are their pain points, and they will do everything within their control to help resolve the issue in the most efficient and effective way.

Closing thoughts

Ultimately, selecting the wrong supplier can cost you your budget and your reputation. Having a trusted partner onside to face the challenges head-on with the same feelings of responsibility and urgency is invaluable to an IT manager and their overall success.

Novatech is a trusted provider of IT services, both hardware and networking, and has been working with clients for more than 35 years. With our simple, flexible approach and deep-rooted technical knowledge, we design custom, cost-effective technology solutions both nationwide and overseas, ensuring that IT projects are always delivered on time and on budget.


IT partners: Selling products vs solving problems


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