Why Robust IT Management Can Help Your Business Survive a Recession

person pulling out a jenga puzzle piece

As the global economy continues to fluctuate, it is more important than ever for organisations to keep on top of their IT management. The reality is that a recession can have a devastating impact on businesses of all sizes, but those with solid IT management strategies in place will be better equipped to weather the storm.

During a recession, it is likely that many IT managers will find themselves in the unfortunate position of seeing their budgets cut. Because of this, they will need to find ways to operate their departments more efficiently. Or, in the case of fast-growth disrupter businesses, they may be required to accommodate further expansion but on a reduced budget. 

This is where a well-managed, outsourced IT partner can ensure your IT management remains robust while also alleviating much of this pressure. The use of an IT partner can make all the difference and determine whether a business survives or indeed thrives during an economic downturn. Because of the flexibility and scalability an outsourced IT service offers, it can help ensure businesses and IT departments navigate a recession efficiently.

Changes in the market need a swift response

The ability to scale IT operations up or down quickly and within budget is crucial during a recession. Companies need to respond swiftly to changes in the market, and that includes within the IT department. By having a dependable and experienced IT systems management partner, it is possible to adjust operations smoothly and with minimal impact on productivity and resources. This can help ensure that the company remains competitive and can take advantage of new opportunities as they arise, while also allowing for cost control in times of hardship.

The challenges of a remote workforce

A recession will no doubt see many organisations continue to lean towards remote staffing. While this may reduce business costs such as rent and building maintenance, it will require investment to ensure adequate support with comprehensive IT solutions for remote employees. It is critical to have robust IT management established to meet the many challenges faced in terms of equipment, set-up, security and software for remote workers.

Novatech's easy-to-use custom portals provide a convenient, all-encompassing platform which serves as a single point of access to manage your IT strategy. From procurement and provisioning to repairs and retirement, they can be used to oversee the entire asset lifecycle. This can help ensure that employees have the necessary equipment and software to work remotely, while also maintaining security and compliance. Additionally, it also enables IT managers to efficiently manage and track the distribution of equipment and software with minimum fuss. As well as this, it can avoid unnecessary purchases by ensuring former employees' equipment is returned for reuse.

Audit of current equipment is crucial for robust IT management

When planning for IT assets with cost-efficiency as a priority, it is important to first evaluate your current assets and determine if they meet your immediate and long-term business needs. Consider if existing assets can be reused, remanufactured, or need to be replaced. 

Additionally, it is worth thinking about the type of asset needed for your business. Thought should be given to ease of installation and deployment, as well as the ongoing costs for maintenance, operation, repair and disposal of the asset(s). One way to save time and labour is to purchase from a partner that handles these tasks for you. For instance, by ordering through our custom portals, we provide IT equipment that is ready for use right out of the box, including provisioning, tagging, and full configuration.

Share the load

Having a comprehensive and well-considered plan for your IT equipment is crucial for making better decisions, reducing costs, and increasing certainty during a recession. This plan should take into account all available options for procuring new assets, reusing, or remanufacturing existing ones, and assessing the pros and cons of each. By thoroughly evaluating all options, you can ensure that your IT project equipment aligns with your budget and business needs, while also minimising unnecessary expenses.

Additionally, by keeping in mind the ongoing costs of maintenance, operation, repair, and disposal, you can also have a clear picture of the total cost of ownership. Furthermore, it is beneficial to consider the ease of installation and deployment as well as the flexibility of the equipment to adapt to future changes in your organization.

To assist with this process, Novatech offers fully Managed IT Services. Our solutions are efficient, cost-effective, and flexible, utilising a custom portal and APIs tailored to the specific needs of your business.

To find out more about how we at Novatech can support you with your IT management, call us on 02392 322700.


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